In 2022, The Agricultural Machinery Market Started Early and Stable, and The Progress of The Whole Year Can Be Expected

Release Date:2022-04-03 enlarge

    Compared with previous years, this year's solar term is earlier, in the middle of February, as soon as the Spring Festival passes, agricultural machinery enterprises and markets will start, agricultural machinery people as always hard work hope and a better future. As the saying goes, "people often spring early", the current spring ploughing season is also the scene, guangrao fields, farmers ploughing, fertilizing irrigation, sowing seedlings... In the past, the work completed by human cattle ploughing has been replaced by modern agricultural machinery, such as The tractorhigh-horsepower intelligent, compound function flip plough, unmanned aircraft, precision seeder, high-speed and transplanterso on. With the help of agricultural machinery, field work has become easy and "wisdom".


    After years of industry development, the progress of domestic agricultural machinery industry is obvious to all, which plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring food security, bumper harvests and agricultural modernization. In the past year of 2021, it is not easy for the agricultural machinery industry, which has been continuously transforming and upgrading, to maintain a steady running trend despite the superimposed influence of a series of factors, such as "continuous epidemic", "global economic slowdown", "raw material soaring", "power restriction", "autumn harvest flooding", "replacement of new and old three-year purchase subsidy policies" and so on.

    In 2022, the main tone of improving quality and efficiency and stabilizing development of the agricultural machinery industry will remain unchanged, and the agricultural machinery market will surely show different operation characteristics. According to the operation law, even if the current market starts slowly, the prospect is still predictable.

  In advance of the season, all over the market slowly and smoothly start

    From the end of last year to February this year, the market continued to be weak and weak. The market of agricultural machinery products related to spring tillage, such as large and medium tractors, planters, rice transplanters, and tillage and ground preparation machinery was not stirring. The main line of products such as wheel-type wheat harvester and crawler rice harvester was not clear, which may be caused by three reasons:

    Firstly, from the end of each year to the beginning of March of the next year, it is the traditional off-season of the agricultural machinery market. In addition, the Spring Festival in January of this year, users, dealers, agricultural machinery enterprises and other enterprises have started the stage adjustment steps, preparing for the big year, so it is reasonable that the market demand is weak.

    Secondly, at the end of December, the policies of the previous year came to an end, especially the allocation and filing of subsidy funds. The policies of the New Year are in the period of formulation and publicity, and the details of individual implementation need to be improved, which does not play an obvious role in promoting market sales.


    Thirdly, the subsidy policy for the purchase of agricultural machinery in the new three years clearly stipulates that the subsidy amount for traditional agricultural machinery categories, especially traditional products that tend to be saturated, will be gradually reduced, and tractor products will be affected first. In this context, new users have a strong wait-and-see attitude towards purchasing machines, while the intention of updating products of old users is delayed.

    In terms of the overall trend of the start of agricultural machinery market this year, it is still in the "stable" word first, without obvious ups and downs, and the operation is basically consistent with market expectations. Since the beginning of the year, the market operation is mainly stocked by dealers, and the actual purchase of users is not much. With the passage of the season, part of the market trend gradually appeared to rise, such as Inner Mongolia, northeast, northwest and other places of the large and medium-sized towing, no-tillage precision seeder and other products to see machine, machine purchase increased; Central Plains region of the large and medium-sized drag, seeder, wheel-type wheat machine and other products began to promote sales; Rice transplanter, beater and other products in the southern region are more and more concerned... The market is recovering and positive changes are taking place.

  Smooth market is still expected to deduce the structural market

    Although the market of agricultural machinery is stable this year, it is still expected to deduce the structural market. At the end of February and the beginning of March, spring farming began successively, and the winter wheat in the Central Plains entered the fertilization and irrigation period. Spring wheat has been sown in Xinjiang and Jilin. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places of rape, fruit trees into the management period...... Live up to the spring, the motherland is full of vitality.

    On February 22, the 21st century in the middle of the 19th guides the work of "three agriculture" the no. 1 files regarding "the central committee of the communist party of China, the State Council in 2022's opinions on comprehensively advancing rural revitalization of priority, focus for agricultural machinery and equipment industry, the paper points out that" enhance the level of agricultural machinery and equipment research and development application, short comprehensive carding plate weaknesses, strengthen agricultural machinery equipment engineering collaborative research, We will accelerate r&d and manufacturing of high-horsepower machinery, small machinery for horticulture in hilly and mountainous areas and facilities, and high-end intelligent machinery, and incorporate them into key national R&D programs to provide long-term and stable support. We will implement subsidy policies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and optimize the way subsidies are paid. We will improve the mechanism for evaluating the performance of agricultural machinery, encourage the use of both import and export machinery and the use of superior machinery to subsidize subsidies, focus on supporting grain drying, caterpillar operation, strip planting of corn and soybeans, rapeseed harvesting and other agricultural machinery, and promote the use of large, intelligent complex agricultural machinery. We will upgrade emissions standards for newly produced agricultural machinery. We will launch trials to integrate research, development, manufacturing, promotion and application of agricultural machinery." The document also pointed out the direction for the development of the agricultural machinery industry throughout the year by promoting the development of smart agriculture and promoting the integrated application of information technology and agricultural machinery.

    On March 5, the thirteenth session of the National People's Congress the fifth meeting of the opening in the great hall of the people, the State Council premier Li Keqiang made the government work report, this year's government work report of a key word is "stable", a total of 76 times in full, the prime minister in the report stressed that this year, we will adhere to the word pledge, seek improvement in stability, steady hand growth on a more prominent position. As for agricultural and rural undertakings, the report said that this year, we will make great efforts to boost agricultural production and promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. We will improve and strengthen policies to support agriculture, continue to promote development in poverty-stricken areas, and boost agricultural harvests and increase rural incomes. We will work to ensure stable production and supply of grain and other important agricultural products. We will stabilize the sown area of grain, strengthen field management of summer grain for late sowing of wheat, and promote the increase of soybean and oil production. We will appropriately raise the minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat. We will ensure that the supply and prices of chemical fertilizers and other agricultural supplies remain stable, provide additional agricultural subsidies to grain farmers, and increase support for major grain-producing areas, so that farmers can earn reasonable returns from growing grain and major grain-producing areas have internal incentives to harvest grain. We will firmly hold to the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land, fully develop permanent basic farmland, and effectively prevent the conversion of arable land into non-agricultural land and non-grain land. We will improve low - and medium-yield cropland, build 100 million hectares of high-standard cropland, and build or renovate a number of large - and medium-sized irrigated areas. We will step up efforts to protect black land and comprehensively utilize saline-alkali lands. The third national soil survey was launched. We will accelerate efforts to reinvigorate the seed industry, strengthen efforts to tackle key problems in agricultural science and technology, promote the wider application of agricultural science and technology, and improve agricultural machinery and equipment. We will improve our ability to prevent and control agricultural meteorological disasters and animal and plant diseases. We will strengthen regulation of the production capacity of hogs and ensure the production and supply of livestock, poultry, aquatic products and vegetables.


    Government policy support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers is undoubtedly the most powerful "stimulant". Subsidies for agricultural machinery purchase continue to increase, with an additional 2 billion yuan for this year's government subsidy to reach 21 billion yuan on the basis of last year, which has played a big role in boosting market confidence.

    Looking back on the actual performance of the agricultural machinery market in 2021, it is also commendable. The industry has made remarkable progress and played an irreplaceable role in ensuring food security and bumper harvests. The overall level of mechanization has continuously jumped and scientific and technological innovation has been changing with each new day. At the same time, we are facing the shortcomings and shortcomings can not be ignored, not only there are short board products, short board technology, short board technology, and there are blank supply products, all need agricultural machinery people continue to make up, must be a bright future, a long way to go.

    Comprehensive prediction of various factors, 2022 is still a key year for in-depth transformation and upgrading of agricultural machinery industry, the tone of stability, high quality and balanced progress will become more obvious, and the market strength point still shows structural characteristics.

  Go with the flow, only find the right direction to seize the opportunity

    Since 2015, after seven years in the industry, since the transformation and upgrading of agricultural machinery market has been a steady increase, industry advocate tone has been continued to upgrade the quality and show new characteristic, there is no doubt that this year, the farm machinery market operation to tone the same, industry progress will enter the new level, the agricultural machinery industry or will show the following five main characteristics, Agricultural machinery enterprises must combine reality to adopt targeted strategy.

    Firstly, the overall market continued to maintain steady growth and make structural adjustments. The strength of the stable growth policy expected by the agricultural machinery market has been confirmed, and will continue to exert its force in the future. Before the effect of the steady growth policy is confirmed, the "stable growth" chain still has high cost performance. Therefore, agricultural machinery enterprises must play steadily, forge their own core competitiveness, focus on products, on the market, on user demand and provide perfect service. In the process of internal control, cash flow should be guaranteed, management basis should be consolidated, sales channels should be broadened, core team should be built, collaborative resources should be built and brand influence should be built.

    Secondly, traditional mass products continue to be upgraded to high-end, large-scale and applicable, and the update and iteration speed up. New niche products continue to flourish, improve, progress, in the adjustment of growth. Both traditional agricultural machinery products, and new farm machinery products, the "blue ocean" product market must be user just need the product, is the national policy strongly promote the product, all agricultural machinery enterprise must have the policy research and market insight into ability, good at capturing the market opportunities, grasp the market demand change, constantly improve the market share.

    Thirdly, the short board agricultural machinery products, short board technology, short board mechanization field and other links, will get more attention and layout, agricultural machinery industry stride forward step not stop. There is no doubt that live in the past two years more moist, are all related to science and technology innovation and leading technology, product, and later this year, can realize the rapid development of enterprise, it must be in the field of industry short hair force of the enterprise, can be a disruptive technology innovation, can be foreign technical barriers to break through, can also be a path to exploit raw materials processing technology, More likely to be original mass production... In any case, the winning enterprise in the competition must have excellent technology and products.


    Fourthly, the development trend of agricultural machinery market consumption has shifted from "production-determined sales" to "user demand". Users are no longer passive receivers of products and services provided by enterprises and distributors, but are more likely to make choices to meet their own personalized needs and satisfy user demands, which will increasingly become the starting point of enterprise business activities. Agricultural machinery enterprises, therefore, the marketing positioning should not only consider direction of industrial structural adjustment, and must focus on the user consumption tendency, depth excavation traditional segmentation personalized needs of the market, for the traditional public agricultural machinery products, to take targeted ordering, using the flexible marketing strategy, in the crowded competition seek unique space, Create a "red sea" market in contrast to the "blue sea" market; For the emerging niche agricultural machinery category, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the market potential and development space, establish the business philosophy of upward quality, put an end to rough manufacturing, keep up with lean manufacturing, and stride forward to intelligence, so as to become a "new force" for the growth of agricultural machinery industry, and strive to grow into an invisible champion in specific professional fields.

    Fifthly, the agricultural machinery import and export market will become more volatile under the impact of the epidemic, especially under the influence of factors such as the soaring freight rates, shortage of containers, and different epidemic control levels in various countries. There will be more uncertain factors, which deserve high attention and research from all parties, especially the business cooperation between Belt and Road countries. According to statistics, in China's agricultural machinery export business, horticulture and forage machinery are the first category of agricultural machinery products, agricultural vehicles are the second, grain processing and poultry farming machinery are the third. From the agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery tools and agricultural machinery parts of the three commodity structure, agricultural machinery host and agricultural machinery parts accounted for more than 90%. Under the new competition environment, the domestic agricultural machinery industry will continue to improve product quality, rely on the force and other resources, continue to promote structural adjustment, strengthen industrial chain upstream and downstream cooperation with different countries, perfect the overseas service system, and help from the national strategy of "area", strengthen cooperation with related countries, to promote ShuDeHua operation, Continue to establish the brand image of Chinese agricultural machinery among overseas users, and constantly improve the international market share.

    In March, the spring breeze is warm. Although the epidemic has not yet dissipated, it cannot stop farmers from working hard. All agricultural machinery people are brave and brave, either in the factory lean manufacturing, or in the field to serve users, united as one, to help the progress of modern agriculture, we know that in front of food security, everyone is duty-bound. Let us work together for a better, brilliant tomorrow and future!